# Beware when using traditional messaging theory around AI Go back to [[Week 3 - Introduction]] --- Traditional messaging theory might come undone a bit when you've engaged some kind of cognitive technology. Two areas to look out for are: - bots mediating communication - bots creating communication Use this MPhil as a chance to: - Predict - Record - Reflect the changes to traditional messaging theories you encounter when these technologies are in play. --- Artificial Intelligence and Journalism Go back to the [[Readings list]] or the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] Broussard, M., Diakopoulos, N., Guzman, A. L., Abebe, R., Dupagne, M., & Chuan, C.-H. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and Journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(3), 673–695. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077699019859901 The [relevant section is here.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1077699019859901?casa_token=odIB-zGT0CoAAAAA:MKFKTAseky-DUqVAVmy5WZYjj0Hbc1hWW8JoZZMEdulyq51CCZjh0EKcjclvumptO7LKh5V5XIrqag)